You can pay using Cash, Check, Venmo or Zelle. Ask about using a credit card. 🙏🏼
Pay your bill now with Zelle or Venmo

For Zelle, use your bank website or app (for Chase, BofA, Wells Fargo, US Bank) and send payment to dave@advan… or use the company phone number.
Using your Venmo account, send payment to dwweidlich. When asked for the phone number, use the last four digits of the phone number listed below.
Tips are not expected,
but we’re happy to accept fresh garden vegetables.
I have three bedrooms and two sets of stairs a hallway and family room in he basement. How much to do my home, and do you accept PayPal credit? You can reach me at xxxxxxxxxx. Thank You
Yes, we take Paypal credit.
Let’s talk privately for a quote. I need a little more info.
I can take major credit cards, but credit card banks take a 2.75% cut before they pay me. That’s a bad deal for me and I don’t want to raise my prices to accommodate bank fees.
Worse, they’re charging up to 30% interest on your credit card balance. I don’t use them.